Since 1994
In the Heart of Topanga Canyon
3 months - 9 years
Currently enrolling ages 5 ½ through 9
We invite you to first visit the home page to be introduced to our educational approach and studies.
Homeschooling at our home-based facility gives families the benefits of providing your child or children with the vibrancy and warmth of community and friends, as well as an individualized curriculum. This curriculum is created by our director, Claudia Udy, and facilitated by her as our lead teacher and her assistants, our mentors and specialists, or in collaboration with you. Within our multi-age classroom, it is easy for our children to exceed grade level as they are enlivened by what and how they are learning. We also support those who are guided by their IEP.
We are in our last stages of becoming a vendor for the homeschooling charter Inspire. For those families who choose to join Inspire, you receive a yearly stipend which you may put towards your tuition or other enrichment programs connected with that charter. What motivates us most about collaborating with Inspire is that they keep accredited school records.
Our local Inspire liaison visits each child with their parent or our director at The Love School every month. She keeps one page of each student's work as part of the record keeping. Participating with Inspire allows our families the flexibility to move, decide to join a regular public or private school at any time or end up with a recognized high-school diploma.